Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Clustering Switches
Understanding Switch Clusters
Understanding Switch Clusters
A switch cluster is a set of up to 16 connected, cluster-capable Catalyst switches that are managed as a
single entity. The switches in the cluster use the switch clustering technology so that you can configure
and troubleshoot a group of different Catalyst desktop switch platforms through a single IP address.
In a switch cluster, 1 switch must be the cl
uster command switch and up to 15 other switches can be
cluster member switches. The total number of switches in a cluster cannot exceed 16 switches. The
ster command switch is the single point of access used to configure, manage, and monitor the cluster
member switches. Cluster members can belong to only one cluster at a time.
Note A switch cluster is different from a switch stack. A switch stack is a set of Catalyst 3750-X,
Catalyst 3750-E, or Catalyst 3750 switches connected through t
heir stack ports. For more information
about how switch stacks differ from switch clusters, see the “Switch Clusters and Switch Stacks” section
on page 6-14.
The benefits of clustering sw
itches include:
• Management of Catalyst switches regardless of their interconnection media and their physical
locations. The switches can be in the same location, or they can be distributed across a Layer 2 or
Layer 3 (if your cluster is using a Catalyst 3560, Catalyst 3750, Catalyst 3560-E, Catalyst 3750-E,
alyst 3560-X, or Catalyst 3750-X switch as a Layer 3 router between the Layer 2 switches in the
uster) network.
Cluster members are connected to the cluster co
mmand switch according to the connectivity
guidelines described in the “Automatic Discovery of Cluster Candidates and Members” section on
page 6-5. This section includes management VLA
N considerations for the Catalyst 1900,
Catalyst 2820, Catalyst 2900 XL, Catalyst 2950, and Catalyst 3500 XL switches. For complete
tion about these switches in a switch-cluster environment, see the software configuration
guide for that specific switch.
• Command-switch redundancy if a cluster command switch fails. One or more switches can be
designated as standby cluster command switches to avoid loss of contact with cluster members. A
cluster standby group is a group of standby cluster command switches.
• Management of a variety of Catalyst switches through a single IP address. This conserves on IP
addresses, especially if you have a limited number of them. All communication with the switch
cluster is through the cluster command switch IP address.
Table 6-1
lists the Catalyst switches eligible for switch clustering, including which ones can be cluster
command switches and which ones can only be clust
er member switches, and the required software
Ta ble 6-1 Switch Software and Cluster Capability
Switch Cisco IOS Release Cluster Capability
Catalyst 3750-X 12.2(53)SE2 or later Member or command switch
Catalyst 3750-E 12.2(35)SE2 or later Member or command switch
Catalyst 3750 12.1(11)AX or later Member or command switch
Catalyst 3560-X 12.2(53)SE1 or later Member or command switch
Catalyst 3560-E 12.2(35)SE2 or later Member or command switch
Catalyst 3560 12.1(19)EA1b or later Member or command switch