Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring Auto Smartports Macros
Configuring Auto Smartports
Configurable Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN VOICE_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1 VOICE_VLAN=2
Current Parameters:voice_vlan=20
Configuring Auto Smartports MAC-Address Groups
For devices such as printers that do not support neighbor discovery protocols such as CDP or LLDP, use
the MAC-address-based trigger configurations for Auto Smartports. This procedure is optional and
requires these steps:
• Configure a MAC-address-based trigger by using the macro auto mac-address global configuration
• Associate the MAC-address trigger to a built-in or a user-defined macro by using the macro auto
execute global configuration command.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
To delete an address group, use the no macr
o auto mac-address-group name global configuration
command. Enter no macro auto mac-address-group name to remove the macro trigger and any
associated trigger mapping to a macro defined by using the macro auto execute global configuration
command. Entering no macro auto execute mac-address-group only removes the mapping of the
trigger to the macro.
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
macro auto mac-address-group name Specify the group name, and enter MAC address configuration mode.
Step 3
[mac-address list list] | [oui [list list |
range word size number]]
Configure a list of MAC addresses separated by a space.
Specify an operationally unique identifier (OUI) li
st or range. The OUI
is the first three bytes of the MAC address and identifies the
manufacturer of the product. Specifying the OUI allows devices that do
not support neighbor discovery protocols to be recognized.
• list—enter an OUI list in hexadecimal separated by a space.
• range—Enter the OUI start range in hexadecimal. Enter the size
(1–5) to create sequential addresses.
Step 4
macro auto execute address_trigger
built-in macro name
Map the MAC address-group trigger to a built-in or user-defined macro.
The MAC-address trigger is applied to an interf
ace after a hold-time of
65 seconds. The hold time allows for a neighbor discovery protocol such
as CDP or LLDP to be used instead of the MAC address.
Step 5
exit Return to configuration mode.
Step 6
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7
show macro auto address-group Verify your entries.
Step 8
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.