Cisco 7200 VXR Installation and Configuration Guide
You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at http://www.cisco.com.
Translated documentation is available at http://www.cisco.com/public/countries_languages.shtml.
To use this publication, you should be familiar not only with Cisco router hardware and cabling but also
with electronic circuitry and wiring practices. You should also have experience as an electronic or
electromechanical technician.
This installation guide explains the initial hardware installation and basic configuration procedures for
the Cisco
7200 VXR routers. It contains procedures for unpacking and installing the router hardware,
creating a basic software configuration file, and starting up the router. After completing the installation
and basic configuration procedures covered in this guide, you will then use the appropriate companion
publications to more completely configure your system.
The major sections of this guide are as follows:
Document Conventions
Command descriptions use the following conventions:
Chapter /
Title Description
Chapter 1 Cisco 7200 VXR
Product Overview
Describes the physical properties and provides a
functional overview of the Cisco
7200 VXR routers.
Chapter 2 Preparing for
Describes safety considerations, tools required, and gives
an overview of the installation and procedures you should
perform before the actual installation.
Chapter 3 Installing a Cisco 7200
VXR Router
Describes installing the hardware and connecting the
external network interface cables.
Chapter 4 Observing System
Startup and Performing a
Basic Configuration
Describes the procedures for completing a basic system
configuration and for checking and saving this
configuration to system memory.
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting the
Describes troubleshooting procedures for the hardware
Appendix A Configuration Register
Provides configuration register information.
boldface font Commands and keywords are in boldface.
italic font Arguments for which you supply values are in italics.
[ ] Elements in square brackets are optional.