Cisco 7200 VXR Installation and Configuration Guide
cleaning information for fiber-optic connectors 10
chassis 62
config-register 19
config terminal 14
configure 14
configure memory 19
configure terminal 19
confreg 18
copy running-config startup-config 4, 15, 19
enable 14, 18
enable password 19
enable secret 19
line con 0 19
no shutdown 19
password 19
reload 19
reset 18
setup 4
show diag 20
show environment 62, 4, 10
show environment last 62
show environment table 63, 10
show interfaces 55
show running-config 15
show startup-config 15, 17, 18
show version 20
CompactFlash Disk 52
physical description 52
config-register command 19
config terminal command 14
configuration bit meanings 1
configuration file
saving 14, 15
configuration modes
basic 14
configuration register 1
configuration settings
viewing 20
configure command 14
configure memory command 19
configure terminal command 19
AppleTalk 11, 12
ATM interfaces 10
AutoInstall 4
basic router 3
examples 10, 12
Fast Ethernet 11
global parameters 5, 6
sample configuration 7
interface parameters
sample configuration 12 to 14
interfaces 10
reviewing changes 15
setup facility 4
synchronous serial 12
using configuration mode 14
confreg command 18
connector, DB-25
console port 36
console port
DB-25 signals and pinouts 36
console terminal
system banner display 6
cooling subsystem
description 3
troubleshooting 10
copy running-config startup-config command 4, 15, 19
critical status level
environmental monitor 59
CWDM SFP module configurations for NPE-G2 23
DC-input power supply