Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 6 Configuring PortChannels
Configuring PortChannels
Deleting PortChannels
Detailed Steps
To delete a PortChannel, follow these steps:
Adding an Interface to a PortChannel
Detailed Steps
To add an interface to a PortChannel, follow these steps:
To add a range of ports to a PortChannel, follow these steps:
Step 3
switch(config-if)# channel mode active
Configures the ACTIVE mode.
switch(config-if)# no channel mode active
Reverts to the default ON mode.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch(config)# no interface port-channel 1
port-channel 1 deleted and all its members
please do the same operation on the switch at the
other end of the port-channel
Deletes the specified PortChannel (1), its
associated interface mappings, and the
hardware associations for this PortChannel.
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch(config)# interface fc1/15
Configures the specified port interface (fc1/15).
Step 3
switch(config-if)# channel-group 15
Adds physical Fibre Channel port 1/15 to
channel group 15. If channel group 15 does not
exist, it is created. The port is shut down.
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.