Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 3 Configuring Fibre Channel Interfaces
Information About Fibre Channel Interfaces
The Cisco MDS 9500 Series switches, Cisco MDS 9222i, Cisco MDS 9216A, and Cisco MDS 9216i
switches support the Generation 2 modules. Each module or switch can have one or more ports in port
groups that share common resources such as bandwidth and buffer credits.
In addition to supporting Generation 2 modules, the Cisco MDS 9500 Series switches and the Cisco
MDS 9222i switch support the Generation 3 modules. Similar to Generation 2, each Generation 3 or
Generation 4 module can have one or more ports in port groups that share common resources such as
bandwidth and buffer credits.
Generation 3 modules are supported on the Cisco MDS 9506 and 9509 switches with Supervisor-2
modules. The MDS 9513 Director supports 4/44-port Host-Optimized Fibre Channel switching module
with either Fabric 1 or Fabric 2 modules, but requires Fabric 2 module for support of the 48-port and the
24-port 8-Gbps Fibre Channel switching modules. The MDS 9222i switch supports the 4/44-port
Host-Optimized Fibre Channel switching module.
The Cisco 9500 Series switches support the following Generation 4 modules: the 48-port 8-Gbps
Advanced Fibre Channel switching module (DS-X9248-256K9) and the 32-port 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre
Channel module (DS-X9232-256K9). Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 5.2(1) or higher is required to support
the Generation 4 modules.
Table 3-1 identifies the Generation 2, Generation 3, and Generation 4 modules, as well as the Fabric
Ta b l e 3-1 Fibre Channel Modules and Fabric Switches
Part Number Product Name and Description
Generation 4 Modules
DS-X9248-256K9 48-port 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre Channel switching module.
DS-X9232-256K9 32-port 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre Channel switching module.
DS-X9530-SF2A-K9 Supervisor-2A module for Cisco MDS 9500 Series switches.
DS-13SLT-FAB3 Fabric 3 module that enables the 32-port and the 48-port 8-Gbps Advanced
Fibre Channel switching module to use the full 96-Gbps or 256-Gbps
backplane crossbar bandwidth.
Generation 3 Modules
DS-X9248-96K9 48-port 8-Gbps Fibre Channel switching module.
DS-X9224-96K9 24-port 8-Gbps Fibre Channel switching module.
DS-X9248-48K9 4/44-port 8-Gbps Host-Optimized Fibre Channel switching module
DS-13SLT-FAB2 Fabric 2 module that enables the 24-port and the 48-port 8-Gbps Fibre Channel
switching module to use the full 96-Gbps backplane bandwidth with
any-to-any connectivity.
Generation 3 Fabric Switch
DS-C9148-K9 Cisco MDS 9148 Fabric switch.
48-port 8-Gbps Fabric switch.
Generation 2 Modules
DS-X9148 48-port 4-Gbps Fibre Channel switching module.
DS-X9124 24-port 4-Gbps Fibre Channel switching module.
DS-X9304-18K9 18-port 4-Gbps Fibre Channel switching module with 4-Gigabit Ethernet