Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 8 Configuring FlexAttach Virtual pWWN
Configuring FlexAttach Virtual pWWN
Troubleshooting Tips
• When the interface-list value is not included in the command, virtual pWWN is assigned globally.
• All the interfaces mentioned in the interface-list value must be in a shut state.
Manually Assigning FlexAttach Virtual pWWN
You can manually assign a WWN to the interface, without generating it through the switch. Several
checks are done by the NPV core to ensure the uniqueness of virtual pWWNs in the switch. When
duplicate virtual pWWNs are configured, the subsequent logins are rejected by the NPV core switch.
• Some ports may be in automode, some in manual mode, and the virtual pWWNs need not be
• The port must be in a shut state when a virtual pWWN is assigned.
• The interface mentioned in the interface value must be in a shut state.
Detailed Steps
To assign virtual pWWN manually, perform this task:
Mapping pWWN to Virtual pWWN
You can configure virtual pWWNs through real pWWNs. This process is required for NPIV hosts
containing multiple pWWNs, of which only FLOGI is mapped to the virtual pWWN. Subsequent
FDSIDs will have different mappings.
Several checks are done by the NPV core to ensure the uniqueness of virtual pWWNs in the switch across
the NPV switches. When duplicate virtual pWWNs are configured, the subsequent logins are rejected by
the NPV core switch.
• The interface must be in a shut state and the specified virtual pWWN should not be logged in.
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch# (config)# flex-attach virtual-pwwn
Configures the FlexAttach virtual pWWN for
the interface.
switch# (config)# flex-attach virtual-pwwn
interface [
Configures the FlexAttach virtual pWWN for
the interface in the VSAN.
Step 3
switch# (config)# flex-attach commit
Commits the configuration.