2-20 LightStream 2020 Installation Guide
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
The switch card slots in the front of the LS2020 chassis are labeled A and B, as are the
corresponding slots for the console/modem assembly bulkhead(s) in the rear of the LS2020
chassis. If the primary TCS hub is on switch card A, connect the terminal cable to the
console port of the bulkhead in rear slot A; similarly, if the primary TCS hub is on switch
card B, connect the terminal cable to the console port of the bulkhead in rear slot B.
Note If your LS2020 chassis contains two switch cards, connect the terminal cable to the console
port on the console/modem assembly for the switch card with the primary TCS hub. To identify this
card, examine the green TCS SEL LED on each switch card. The card with the TCS SEL LED lit
is the primary TCS hub.
Step 2 Press Return on the terminal keyboard.
If the TCS hub<<A or B>> prompt appears, or if some other prompt appears (see the note
below), after you press Return, the prompt signifies agreement between the terminal baud
rate and the console port baud rate and indicates that the terminal is properly attached.
Note If the baud rates match, the system may respond with other than the TCS hub<<A or B>>
prompt, depending on the card to which a connection exists. For example, if you had previously
established a connection to an NP card via the TCS connect command, the system would respond
with the bash (#) prompt, rather than the TCS hub<<A or B>> prompt. The appearance of any valid
system prompt on the terminal screen after Return key activation signifies baud rate agreement.
When the system verifies itself as being responsive (through the return of an appropriate
prompt), you can make the terminal fully operational in your LS2020 environment by
connecting it to the NP. To do so, proceed directly to the section below entitled “Connecting
the Terminal to the NP.”
However, if the system does not respond at all, or if screen output is garbled after you press
Return, one of the following conditions may pertain:
• An apparent mismatch of the terminal and the console port baud rates exists. Such a
mismatch may occur, for example, if the console port has been initialized previously
with a baud rate different from that of the terminal.
In this case, you must attempt to achieve a baud rate match by continuing with Step 4
• A connection may exist to a non-operational card or a card that has been physically
removed from the system, but to which a logical connection still exists.
In this case, proceed with Step 3.
Step 3 Issue the character sequence‘. (back quote plus dot, that is, left single quote plus period)
at the terminal keyboard and press Return. This action breaks the connection which may
exist between the switch card and any nonoperational or missing card.
If a valid system prompt does not appear following Return key activation, a baud rate
mismatch still exists and you must continue with Step 4.
Step 4 For baud rate matching purposes, your LS2020 chassis must be equipped with at least one
switch card and a terminal.