Hardware Installation 2-21
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
Set the terminal to a new baud rate, using the order of precedence defined for the console
port in the section above entitled “Setting Console/Modem Baud Rates through TCS Hub
Step 5 Press Return on the terminal keyboard.
Step 6 If the baud rates match after you press Return, the TCS hub prompt is displayed, indicating
that the terminal is properly attached.
Proceed to the section below entitled “Connecting the Terminal to the NP.”
However, if the TCS hub prompt is not displayed, you must repeat Step 4 and Step 5 until
a match with one of the defined baud rates is achieved.
If the terminal does NOT support one of the defined console port baud rates, proceed with
Step 7.
If you cycle through all the possible console baud rates without achieving a match, an error
condition exists. In this case, contact your Cisco Systems customer support representative.
Step 7 For baud rate selection, this step requires that your LS2020 be equipped with a modem
attached to the same switch as the terminal and that you have the ability to dial in to the
LS2020 chassis.
If you can dial in to the LS2020 chassis, do so and continue with Step 8.
If you are unable to dial in to the chassis, skip to Step 10.
Step 8 Use the TCS hub set <switch slot> console baudrate <rate> command to set the
baud rate of the console port to agree with that of the terminal you are attempting to attach.
Step 9 Reset the applicable switch card.
This action reinitializes the console port to the baud rate selected in Step 8.
Proceed to the section below entitled “Connecting the Terminal to the NP.”
Step 10 For baud rate selection, this step requires that your LS2020 chassis be equipped with two
switch cards. It also assumes that you can communicate with the switch card that currently
needs no baud rate adjustment.
Dial in to this card via its modem port or use the terminal attached to its console port to set
the baud rate, as instructed in Step 11.
However, if your LS2020 chassis does NOT contain redundant switch cards, or if neither
switch card is accessible via its console or modem port, an error condition exists. In this
case, contact your Cisco Systems customer support representative.
Step 11 Use the TCS hub set <“other” switch slot> console baudrate <rate> command to
set the console port baud rate for the “other” switch card to agree with the baud rate of the
terminal you are attempting to attach.
Step 12 Reset the “other” switch card manipulated in Step 11 above.
This action reinitializes the console port to the baud rate selected in Step 11.
Proceed to the section below entitled “Connecting the Terminal to the NP.”
Connecting the Terminal to the NP
To connect a terminal to the NP in your LS2020 switch, perform the procedure below. For simplicity,
this procedure assumes that you are using the NP in slot 1.