2-22 LightStream 2020 Installation Guide
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
Note This procedure assumes that you have already attached a terminal to the Release 2 switch
card, as described in the preceding section entitled “Attaching a Terminal and Matching the Baud
Step 1 Issue the following command at the TCS hub prompt to reset the NP to a running state:
TCS hub<<A>> reset 1
Step 2 Issue the following command at the TCS hub prompt to connect to the NP that you want to
TCS hub<<A>> connect 1
Step 3 When you connect to the NP, part or all of the following countdown sequence is displayed
on your screen. Do not press Return; allow the boot sequence to continue.
System will boot in 5 seconds: hit <RETURN> to interrupt.
System will boot in 4 seconds: hit <RETURN> to interrupt.
System will boot in 3 seconds: hit <RETURN> to interrupt.
System will boot in 2 seconds: hit <RETURN> to interrupt.
System will boot in 1 seconds: hit <RETURN> to interrupt.
The screen displays for the boot sequence then continue as shown in Step 1 in the section “Entering
Configuration Data” later in this chapter. However, before proceeding with the entry of required
configuration data, note the following special consideration about running configuration scripts.
Special Consideration: Running Scripts Separately
When you enter configuration data, two scripts are invoked automatically that prompt you for basic
configuration information (see bullets below). If you make a mistake entering information in
response to script prompts, you can run the scripts again separately. To do so, enter the name of the
script you want to run at the bash# (root) prompt or the single-user ($) prompt.
• bin/settimezoneinfo—Sets the time, date, daylight savings method, and time zone.
• usr/app/base/bin/setsnmpconfig—Sets the host name, the IP address, the Ethernet IP address,
and the default router IP address. Also sets up trunk ports so that a complete configuration can
be downloaded from the NMS to a target LS2020 node.
Note These configuration scripts are intended for use only during the installation process.
When you run these scripts from the command line, they behave very much as they do in the scripted
configuration procedure. However, one difference to note is that the setsnmpconfig command
checks for the presence of configuration files. (Normally, these files are not present during a typical
installation of a new LS2020 switch.) If the system finds such files, it asks if you want to continue,
as shown below:
Configuration information already exists. If you continue, the configuration
information on this network node will be destroyed by overwriting the
following files:
Continue? (y/n) [n]