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Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch Configuration Guide and Command Reference
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
Configuring Date and Time
Configuring Date and Time
A Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), which is the same as
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). To change the default time on the switch, enter the clock command from
EXEC mode.
switch# clock set
<HH:MM:SS> <DD> <Month in words> <YYYY>
The following example sets the time on the switch:
switch# clock set 15:58:09 23 May 2005
Mon May 23 15:58:09 UTC 2005
Where HH represents hours in military format (15 for 3 p.m.), MM is minutes (58), SS is seconds (09),
DD is the date (23), Month is the month in words (May), and YYYY is the year (2005).
Note The clock command changes are saved across system resets.
Configuring the Time Zone
You can specify a time zone for the switch.
To specify the local time without the daylight savings feature, perform this task:
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch(config)# clock timezone
name> <-23 to 23 hours offset from UTC time>
<0 to 50 minutes offset from UTC>
switch(config)# clock timezone PST -8 0
Sets the time zone with a specified name,
specified hours, and specified minutes.
This example sets the time zone to Pacific
Standard Time (PST) and offsets the UTC time by
negative eight hours and 0 minutes.
Step 3
switch(config)# exit
Returns to EXEC mode.
Step 4
switch# show clock
Verifies the time zone configuration.
Step 5
switch# show run
Displays changes made to the time zone
configuration along with other configuration