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Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch Configuration Guide and Command Reference
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
Telnet Server Connection
Telnet Server Connection
The Telnet server is enabled by default on a Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch. If you require a secure SSH
connection, you need to disable the default Telnet connection and then enable the SSH connection. (See
the “Enabling SSH Service” section on page 9-9.)
Tip A maximum of nine Telnet sessions are allowed on a Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch.
Make sure the terminal is connected to the switch and that the switch and terminal are both powered on.
Disabling a Telnet Connection
To disable Telnet connections to the switch, perform this task:
Working with Configuration Files
Configuration files can contain some or all of the commands needed to configure one or more switches.
For example, you might want to download the same configuration file to several switches that have the
same hardware configuration so that they have identical module and port configurations.
This section describes how to work with configuration files and has the following topics:
• Displaying Configuration Files, page 3-17
• Downloading Configuration Files to the Switch, page 3-19
• Saving the Configuration, page 3-20
• Copying Files, page 3-20
• Backing Up the Current Configuration, page 3-20
• Rolling Back to a Previous Configuration, page 3-21
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch(config)# no telnet server enable
Disables the Telnet server.