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Cisco MDS 9020 Fabric Switch Configuration Guide and Command Reference
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
Working with Configuration Files
Saving the Configuration
After you have created a running configuration in system memory, you can save it to the startup
configuration in the bootflash: file system using the following copy command:
switch# copy running-config bootflash:startup-config
The copy running-config startup-config command is an alias to the previous command and is used
frequently throughout this guide.
Copying Files
The syntax for the copy command follows and is explained in Table 3-1.
switch# copy <scheme>://<
>/<file name> <scheme>://<
>/<file name>
• This example shows how to copy a running configuration to the bootflash: file system:
switch# copy running-config bootflash:my-config
• This example shows how to overwrite the contents of an existing configuration in the nonvolatile file
switch# copy bootflash:my-config bootflash:startup-config
Backing Up the Current Configuration
Before installing or migrating to any software configuration, back up the startup configuration.
• This example shows how to back up the startup configuration copy in the bootflash: file system
(ASCII file):
switch# copy startup-config bootflash:my-config
• This example shows how to back up the startup configuration to the TFTP server (ASCII file):
switch# copy startup-config tftp://
• This example shows how to back up the running configuration to the bootflash: file system (ASCII
switch# copy running-config bootflash:my-config
Table 3-1 copy Command Syntax
Scheme Server File Name
volatile — User-specified
bootflash — User-specified
tftp IP address or DNS name User-specified