Chapter 5 Configuring Routing Information Protocol
Configuring Equal-Cost RIP Routes
Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide
The options and variables for this command are as follows:
• firewall - Advertises firewall routes through RIP.
• local - Advertises local routes (interfaces not running RIP).
• static - Advertises static routes configured for the Ethernet interface ports.
• ospf - Advertises OSPF routes through RIP.
• metric - (Optional) Metric to use when advertising this route. Enter a number
from 1 to 15. The default is 1.
For example:
(config)# rip redistribute static 3
To stop advertising routes from other protocols through RIP, use either the local,
static, or firewall option.
The following commands stop advertising static routes:
(config)# no rip redistribute firewall
(config)# no rip redistribute local
(config)# no rip redistribute static
(config)# no rip redistribute ospf
Configuring Equal-Cost RIP Routes
To set the maximum number of routes that RIP can insert into the routing table.,
use the rip equal-cost command Enter a number from 1 to 15. The default is 1.
For example:
(config)# rip equal-cost 4
To reset the number of routes to the default value of 1, enter:
(config)# no rip equal-cost