Chapter 2 Configuring Spanning-Tree Bridging for the CSS
CSS Spanning-Tree Bridging Quick Start
Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide
This chapter contains the following major sections:
• CSS Spanning-Tree Bridging Quick Start
• Configuring Spanning-Tree Bridge Aging-Time
• Configuring Spanning-Tree Bridge Forward-Time
• Configuring Spanning-Tree Bridge Hello-Time
• Configuring Spanning-Tree Bridge Max-Age
• Configuring Spanning-Tree Bridge Priority
• Disabling Bridge Spanning-Tree
• Showing Bridge Configurations
For details about configuring spanning-tree bridging parameter for an Ethernet
interface or for a trunked Ethernet interface and VLAN pair, refer to Chapter 1,
Configuring Interfaces and Circuits.
CSS Spanning-Tree Bridging Quick Start
Table 2-1 provides a quick overview of the steps required to globally configure
spanning-tree bridging for the CSS. Each step includes the CLI command
required to complete the task. For a complete description of each feature and all
the options associated with the CLI command, see the sections following
Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Spanning-Tree Bridging Configuration Quick Start
Task and Command Example
1. Set the bridge filtering database aging time, in seconds, for the CSS.
(config)# bridge aging-time 600
2. Set the bridge forward delay time, in seconds, that the bridge uses when
acting as the root.
(config)# bridge forward-time 9
3. Set the bridge hello time interval, in seconds, that the bridge waits before
sending a hello packet.
(config)# bridge hello-time 9