
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol
Showing IP Configuration Information
Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide
Input Segments The total number of segments received, including
those received in error. This count includes segments
received on currently established connections.
Retransmit Segments The total number of segments retransmitted; that is,
the number of TCP segments transmitted containing
one or more previously transmitted octets.
Output Resets The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST
ICMP Statistics
Echo Requests In The number of received ICMP Echo request messages.
Typically, when the CSS receives the ICMP request,
both the Echo Requests In and the Echo Replies Out
counters increment as a pair for the ICMP request in
and ICMP reply out packets.
Echo Replies In The number of received ICMP Echo reply messages.
Typically, when the CSS receives an ICMP reply, both
the Echo Requests Out and the Echo Replies In
counters increment as a pair for the ICMP reply in and
ICMP request out packets.
Unreachable The number of received ICMP Destination
Unreachable messages.
Redirect The number of received ICMP Redirect messages.
Router Solicit The number of received ICMP router solicitation
Param Problem The number of received ICMP Parameter Problem
Timestamp Reply The number of sent ICMP Timestamp Reply
Information Reply The number of received ICMP information reply
Mask Reply The number of received ICMP Address Mask Reply
Table 6-5 Field Descriptions for the show ip statistics Command (continued)
Field Description