Chapter 1 Controlling CSS Access
Creating Usernames and Passwords
Cisco Content Services Switch Security Configuration Guide
• password - Specifies the password is not encrypted. Use this option when
you use the CLI to dynamically create users.
• password - The password. Enter an unquoted text string with no spaces and a
length of 6 to 16 characters. The CSS allows all special characters in a
password except for the percent sign (%).
Note If you specify the des-password option, you must know the encrypted
form of this password to successfully log in to the CSS. You can find the
CSS encrypted password in the running configuration. To display the CSS
running configuration, use the show running-config command (see the
“Creating Usernames and Passwords” section).
• superuser - Specifies SuperUser privileges to allow a user to access
SuperUser mode. If you do not enter this option, the user can only access User
• dir-access - (Optional) Defines the CSS directory access privileges for the
username. There are access privileges assigned to the seven CSS directories,
in the following order: Script, Log, Root (installed CSS software), Archive,
Release Root (configuration files), Core, and MIBs. By default, users have
both read- and write-access privileges (B) to all seven directories.
Administrators or technicians can use the dir-access option to selectively
implement a set of directory access privileges for each user. Changing the
access level also affects the use of the CLI commands associated with
To use the dir-access option, you must first specify the restrict
user-database command to implement security restrictions for the CSS user