Cisco Content Services Switch Security Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring the CSS as a Client of a TACACS+ Server
Setting TACACS+ Accounting
To reenable the CSS to send the full command syntax, use the tacacs-server
send-full-command command. For example:
#(config) tacacs-server send-full-command
Setting TACACS+ Accounting
TACACS+ accounting allows the TACACS+ server to receive an accounting
report for commands that the user can execute. CSS accounting divides the
command set into two categories:
• Configuration commands that change the CSS running configuration.
• Nonconfiguration commands that do not change the running configuration.
These commands include, but are not limited to, mode transition commands,
show commands, and administrative commands.
By default, the CSS disables accounting. When you enable accounting, you can
account for configuration commands, nonconfiguration commands, or both.
Note Failure of the TACACS+ server does not result in the suspension of user activity.
Use the tacacs-server account config command to enable the CSS to send
accounting reports to the TACACS+ server for all commands that change the
running configuration. For example:
#(config) tacacs-server account config
Use the tacacs-server account non-config command to enable the CSS to send
accounting reports to the TACACS+ server for all commands that do not change
the running configuration. For example:
#(config) tacacs-server account non-config
Use the no form of these commands to disable accounting. For example, to disable
accounting for commands that affect the running configuration, enter:
#(config) no tacacs-server account config
To disable accounting for commands that do not affect the running configuration,
#(config) no tacacs-server account non-config