VLAN Management
Voice VLAN
Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide 210
Adding Interfaces to Voice VLAN on Basis of OUIs
The QoS attributes can be assigned per port to the voice packets in one of the
following modes:
• All—Quality of Service (QoS) values configured to the Voice VLAN are
applied to all of the incoming frames that are received on the interface and
are classified to the Voice VLAN.
• Telephony Source MAC Address (SRC)—The QoS values configured for
the Voice VLAN are applied to any incoming frame that is classified to the
Voice VLAN and contains an OUI in the source MAC address that matches a
configured telephony OUI.
Use the Telephony OUI Interface page to add an interface to the voice VLAN on
the basis of the OUI identifier and to configure the OUI QoS mode of voice VLAN.
To configure Telephony OUI on an interface:
STEP 1 Click VLAN Management > Voice VLAN > Telephony OUI Interface.
The Telephony OUI Interface page contains voice VLAN OUI parameters for all
STEP 2 To configure an interface to be a candidate port of the telephony OUI-based voice
VLAN, click Edit.
STEP 3 Enter the values for the following fields:
• Interface—Select an interface.
• Telephony OUI VLAN Membership—If enabled, the interface is a candidate
port of the telephony OUI based voice VLAN. When packets that match one
of the configured telephony OUI are received, the port is added to the voice
• Voice VLAN QoS Mode—Select one of the following options:
- All—QoS attributes are applied on all packets that are classified to the
Voice VLAN.
- Telephony Source MAC Address—QoS attributes are applied only on
packets from IP phones.
STEP 4 Click Apply. The OUI is added.