Spanning Tree
Defining MSTP Interface Settings
229 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
• Included VLAN—Displays the VLANs mapped to the selected instance. The
default mapping is that all VLANs are mapped to the common and internal
spanning tree (CIST) instance 0).
• Bridge Priority—Set the priority of this bridge for the selected MST
• Designated Root Bridge ID—Displays the priority and MAC address of the
Root Bridge for the MST instance.
• Root Port—Displays the root port of the selected instance.
• Root Path Cost—Displays the root path cost of the selected instance.
• Bridge ID—Displays the bridge priority and the MAC address of this device
for the selected instance.
• Remaining Hops—Displays the number of hops remaining to the next
STEP 3 Click Apply. The MST Instance configuration is defined, and the Running
Configuration file is updated.
Defining MSTP Interface Settings
The MSTP Interface Settings page
enables you to configure the port MSTP
settings for every MST instance, and to view information that has currently been
learned by the protocol, such as the designated bridge per MST instance.
To configure the ports in an MST instance:
STEP 1 Click Spanning Tree > MSTP Interface Settings.
STEP 2 Enter the parameters.
• Instance equals To—Select the MSTP instance to be configured.
• Interface Type equals to—Select whether to display the list of ports or
STEP 3 Click Go. The MSTP parameters for the interfaces on the instance are displayed.
STEP 4 Select an interface, and click Edit.