Security: SSH Client
Before You Begin
385 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
Before You Begin
The following actions must be performed before using the SCP feature:
• When using the password authentication method, a username/password
must be set up on the SSH server.
• When using public/private keys authentication method, the public key must
be stored on the SSH server.
Common Tasks
This section describes some common tasks performed using the SSH client. All
pages referenced are pages found under the SSH Client branch of the menu tree.
Workflow1: To configure SSH client and transfer data to/from an SSH
server, perform the following steps:
STEP 1 Decide which method is to be used: password or public/private key. Use the SSH
User Authentication page.
STEP 2 If the password method was selected, perform the following steps:
a. Create a global password in the SSH User Authentication page, or create a
temporary one in the Upgrade/Backup Firmware/Language or Backup
Configuration/Log pages, when you actually activate the secure data transfer.
b. Upgrade the firmware, boot image or language file, using SCP, by selecting the
via SCP (over SSH) option in the Upgrade/Backup Firmware/Language page.
The password can be entered in this page directly, or the password entered in
the SSH User Authentication page can be used.
c. Download/backup the configuration file, using SCP, by selecting the via SCP
(over SSH) option in the Download/Backup Configuration/Log page. The
password can be entered in this page directly, or the password entered in the
SSH User Authentication page can be used.
STEP 3 Set up a username/password on the SSH server or modify the password on the
SSH server. This activity depends on the server and is not described here.