Chapter 5 Parameters|VFD-S Series
5-46 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61
d29 M0: 0: RUN 1: STOP, M1: no function, Direction is controlled by keypad
M0 "Open": Stop, "Close": Run
M1 No Function
4-09 Line Start Lockout
Factory Setting: d0
Settings d0 Disable
d1 Enable
When enabled, the AC drive will not start when powered up with run commands applied. To
start in Line Start Lockout mode, the AC drive must see the run command go from stop to run
after power up. When Line Start Lockout is disable (also known as Auto-Start), the drive will
start when powered-up with run commands applied.
4-10 Up/Down Mode
Factory Setting: d0
Settings d0 Based on accel/decel time
d1 up frequency according to constant speed, down frequency
according to deceleration time
d2 up frequency according to acceleration time, down frequency
according to constant speed
d3 Constant speed
Accel/Decel Rate of Change of UP/DOWN Operation
with Constant Speed
Unit: 5
Settings d0 to d1000 Hz/sec Factory Setting: d1
This parameter is used to set the acceleration/deceleration speed mode when multi-function
terminal is set to up/down frequency. (Pr. 4-04 ~ Pr.4-08, function d15, d16)