Chapter 5 Parameters|VFD-S Series
5-26 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61
1-16 Acceleration S-Curve
1-17 Deceleration S-Curve
Settings d0 to d7 Factory Setting: d0
These two parameters allow you to configure whether the acceleration and/or deceleration
ramps are linear or S-shaped. The S-curve is enabled when set at d1-d7. Setting d1 offers
the quickest S-curve and d7 offers the longest and smoothest S-curve. The AC drive will not
follow the acceleration/deceleration time in Pr.1-09 to Pr.1-12. To Disable the S-curve, set
Pr.1-16 and Pr.1-17 to d0.
From the diagram shown below, the original setting acceleration/deceleration time will be for
reference when the function of the S-curve is enabled. The actual acceleration/deceleration
time will be determined based on the S-curve selected (d1 to d7).
1 2
3 4
Disable S curve
Enable S curve
cceleration/deceleration Characteristics
1-18 Jog Decelerating Time Unit: 0.1Sec
Settings d0.0 to d600 Factory Setting: d0.0
When Pr.1-18 is set to d0.0 Jog decelerating time determined by the setting of Pr.1-13 0.1 to
600 sec, Jog decelerating time can be set independently, separates from Pr.1-13.
When Pr.1-18 is set to 0.0, Pr.1-13 determines both Jog acceleration and deceleration time.
When Pr.1-18 is set between 0.1 to 600 seconds, which will determine Jog Decelerating Time
and Pr.1-13 will only determine Jog Accelerating Time.