Chapter 5 Parameters|VFD-S Series
Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61 5-3
Pr. Explanation Settings
460V series: d4.0V to d510V d24
1-05 Minimum Output Frequency (Fmin) d1.0 to d60.0 Hz d1.0
230V series: d2.0V to d255V d12.0
Minimum Output Voltage (Vmin)
460V series: d4.0V to d510V d24.0
1-07 Output Frequency Upper Limit d1 to d110% d100
1-08 Output Frequency Lower Limit d0 to d100% d0
1-09 Accel Time 1 d0.1 to d600 Sec d10.0
1-10 Decel Time 1 d0.1 to d600 Sec d10.0
1-11 Accel Time 2 d0.1 to d600 Sec d10.0
1-12 Decel Time 2 d0.1 to d600 Sec d10.0
1-13 Jog Acceleration / Deceleration Time d0.1 to d600 Sec d10.0
1-14 Jog Frequency d1.0 Hz to d400 Hz d6.0
Auto acceleration / deceleration (refer
to Accel/Decel time setting)
d0: Linear Accel/Decel
d1: Auto Accel, Linear Decel
d2: Linear Accel, Auto Decel
d3: Auto Accel/Decel (Set by load)
d4: Linear Accel; Auto Decel, Stall
Prevention during Decel
d5: Auto Accel/Decel, Stall
Prevention during Decel
1-16 Acceleration S-Curve d0 to d7 d0
1-17 Deceleration S-Curve d0 to d7 d0
1-18 Jog Decelerating Time
d0.0 Jog Decelerating Time
Determined by Pr.1-13
d0.1 to d600
Group 2 Operation Method Parameters
Pr. Explanation Settings
Source of Master Frequency
d0: Master Frequency input
determined by digital keypad.
(record the frequency of power
loss and it can do analog
overlap plus)
d1: Master Frequency determined
by analog signal DC 0V-10V
(external terminal AVI). (won’t
record the frequency of power
loss and it can’t do analog
overlap plus)
d2: Master Frequency determined
by analog signal DC 4mA -
20mA (external terminal AVI).
(won’t record the frequency of
power loss and it can’t do
analog overlap plus)
d3: Master Frequency determined
by Potentiometer on the digital
keypad. (won’t record the
frequency of power loss and it
can do analog overlap plus)