Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-18 Revision June 2008, 04EE, SW--PW V1.11/CTL V2.11
Parameter Explanation Settings
10: Current exceeds 2 times rated current
during decel.(ocd)
11: Current exceeds 2 times rated current
during steady state operation (ocn)
12: Ground fault (GFF)
13: Reserved
14: Phase-Loss (PHL)
15: Reserved
16: Auto Acel/Decel failure (CFA)
17: SW/Password protection (codE)
18: Power Board CPU WRITE failure (cF1.0)
19: Power Board CPU READ failure (cF2.0)
06.10 Third Most Recent
Fault Record
20: CC, OC Hardware protection failure
21: OV Hardware protection failure (HPF2)
22: GFF Hardware protection failure (HPF3)
Fourth Most Recent
Fault Record
23: OC Hardware protection failure (HPF4)
24: U-phase error (cF3.0)
25: V-phase error (cF3.1)
Fifth Most Recent
Fault Record
26: W-phase error (cF3.2)
27: DCBUS error (cF3.3)
28: IGBT Overheat (cF3.4)
29: Power Board Overheat (cF3.5)
30: Control Board CPU WRITE failure (cF1.1)
31: Control Board CPU WRITE failure (cF2.1)
32: ACI signal error (AErr)
33: Reserved
34: Motor PTC overheat protection (PtC1)
35-39: Reserved
40: Communication time-out error of control
board and power board (CP10)