Each class has a special status effect that can set up a cross-class combo, in which a character of one class
uses a talent or spell to hinder an enemy with the effect before a character of another class exploits it using
another talent or spell. This produces a tremendously powerful attack.
Warriors can STAGGER enemies using any of several upgraded talents from the Vanguard and Warmonger
schools. Mages can exploit STAGGER using upgraded spells from the Arcane or Primal schools, or rogues can
do so using upgraded talents from the Dual Weapon school.
Mages can make enemies BRITTLE using any of several upgraded spells from the Primal and Elemental schools.
Warriors can exploit BRITTLE using upgraded talents from the Two-Handed school, or rogues can do so using
upgraded talents from the Archery school.
Rogues can DISORIENT enemies using any of several upgraded talents from the Sabotage, Scoundrel, and
Archery schools. Warriors can exploit DISORIENT using upgraded talents from the Weapon and Shield school,
or mages can do so using upgraded spells from the Spirit school.
The STAGGER, BRITTLE, and DISORIENT effects are lost if the enemy suffers a cross-class combo. This means
that the additional benefits of those effects only apply before the combo is completed (see Status Effects).
Enemies that a rogue has DISORIENTED suffer a large penalty to defense. A warrior or mage can perform a
cross-class combo by using a talent or spell that has a damage bonus against DISORIENTED targets.
Enemies that a warrior has STAGGERED suffer penalties to both attack and defense. A rogue or mage can
perform a cross-class combo by using a talent or spell that has a damage bonus against STAGGERED targets.
Enemies that a mage has made BRITTLE suffer significantly more damage from all attacks. A rogue or warrior
can perform a cross-class combo by using a talent that has a damage bonus against BRITTLE targets.
Many talents, spells, and items produce effects beyond simple damage. Sometimes these effects are as simple
as knocking opponents to the ground, but the more complex effects described below persist for a time. All of
these effects apply to enemies, but only some can apply to Hawke’s party.
A confused enemy may attack its allies or make other irrational choices.
Dispel effects cancel persistent hostile magic, which usually means forcibly deactivating sustained modes. This
affects both magic that improves enemies’ combat capabilities and magic that hampers the dispeller’s allies.
Enslaved enemies fight as Hawke’s allies for the duration of the effect.
Obscure gives allies a partial veil from their foes. This results in a significantly greater chance of dodging
enemy attacks.
Silence prevents combatants from using spells or talents, although they can still move and execute
basic attacks.