Strength increases damage and attack values for warriors. For all classes, it increases fortitude, which
measures resistance to effects like being knocked back or set aflame.
Dexterity increases damage and attack values for rogues. For all classes, it increases the likelihood of landing
a critical hit.
Magic increases damage and attack values for mages. For all classes, it increases magic resistance, which
absorbs a proportion of damage from magical attacks and determines the duration of hostile magical effects.
Cunning increases defense for all classes as well as the amount of damage inflicted by a critical hit. Cunning
also determines a rogue’s aptitude for picking locks and disarming traps, with difficulty thresholds set at 10,
20, 30, and 40 points.
Willpower increases the size of the mana pool for mages or the stamina pool for warriors and rogues.
Constitution increases maximum health for all classes.
Talents (for warriors and rogues) and spells (for mages) are special abilities that can be used in combat instead
of a basic attack. Talents or spells usually draw from the character’s pool of stamina or mana, although some
are passive, providing permanent advantages without stamina or mana expenditure. A character gains one point
to learn a talent or spell each level, as well as at a few other points in the game.
The character you control—whether Hawke or another companion that you have switched to—uses activated
abilities and sustained modes only when directed. Other characters in your party use their abilities whenever
appropriate, or when the conditional instructions you set up in the Combat Tactics screen tell them to (see p. 27).
When you have points to spend in the Abilities screen, only the abilities highlighted in blue are currently
available to learn. To unlock others, you need to meet the requirements listed in red by learning specific
prerequisite abilities or reaching a certain level.
Activated Abilities
The most common talents or spells are those marked “activated,” indicated by a diamond icon. These abilities
vary widely—some are offensive strikes against one or more enemies, whereas others provide positive effects
to the character or other companions. Some activated abilities last for only a second, while others remain active
for a short time. Most incur an immediate cost in stamina or mana, and after you use a particular activated
ability, there is generally a short cooldown period before you can use it again.
Passive Abilities
Talents or spells marked “passive,” indicated by a circular icon, are permanent effects, although some only
apply in particular circumstances. They do not consume stamina or mana, and, because you don’t need to
activate them, they do not appear in your battle menu or radial menu. To review which passive abilities your
character has learned, take a look at the Abilities screen.
Sustained Modes
Once you use a talent or spell marked as a “sustained mode,” indicated by a hexagonal icon, it remains active
until you disable it. However, most sustained modes reserve a fixed percentage of the character’s mana or
stamina pool. That reserve is not available for other abilities to use until you deactivate the ability. After you
deactivate a sustained mode, there is generally a short cooldown period before you can use it again.