Move character
left stick
Lock target
B button
Rotate camera
right stick
Center camera
N button
Change target
directional buttons
Take default action (attack, talk, open, etc.)
S button
Use battle menu shortcut
F button/D button/A button
Open radial menu/Pause
W button (press and hold)
Switch to secondary battle menu shortcut
R button (press and hold)
Previous party member
Q button
Next party member
E button
Select full party
Q button + E button
Open area map
SELECT button
Open pause menu
START button
The left stick and right stick control character movement and camera movement, respectively. If you have
multiple party members, switch among them by pressing the Q button or the E button, or select your
whole party at once by pressing the Q button and the E button simultaneously. In the radial menu
(press the W button), order your party members to hold their position instead of following the character
you’re currently controlling, or order them to move to a specific location.
Interact with any character, creature, or object that displays a name and an icon when you target it
(either by walking up to it or by cycling through all possible targets by pressing the directional buttons).
To take a default action—say, to speak to a friendly character, open a chest or a door, or strike an enemy
with a basic attack—select the target and then press the S button.
In combat, the character you’re controlling executes a basic attack maneuver each time you press the
S button.
PL A Y ST A T I O N ®3 system
Starting a game: Before use, carefully read the instructions supplied with the PS3™ computer entertainment
system. The documentation contains information on setting up and using your system as well as important
safety information.
Check that the MAIN POWER switch (located on the system rear) is turned on. Insert the Dragon Age™ II disc
with the label facing up into the disc slot. Select the icon for the software title under [Game] in the PS3™
system’s home menu, and then press the S button. Refer to this manual for information on using the software.
Quitting a game: During gameplay, press and hold down the PS button on the wireless controller for at least
2 seconds. Then select “Quit Game” from the screen that is displayed.
To remove a disc, touch the eject button after quitting the game.
Saved data for PS3™ format software
Saved data for PS3™ format software is saved on the system’s hard disk.
The data is displayed under “Saved Game Utility” in the Game menu.
Video output in HD requires cables and an HD- compatible display, both sold separately.
TROPHIES: Earn, compare and share trophies that you earn by making specifi c in-game
accomplishments. Trophies access requires a PlayStation
Network account.