Ninety-Degree Cover Turn
Round a corner in cover by standing at the edge of a cover-object and clicking the mouse wheel.
Vault over low cover by holding W and pressing SPACEBAR.
Alternatively, quick-vault by tapping SPACEBAR twice while approaching low cover. This can also be
done while storming to hurdle over cover.
Cover Slip
Storm forward out of cover by holding A while standing at the edge of cover and then pressing and
holding SPACEBAR.
Cover Kill
Instantly kill enemies standing on the other side of a shared piece of low cover by moving across from
them and pressing and holding F.
Standing Melee
Attack enemies around the edges of cover by standing at the edge and pressing F.
Squad Commands
This chapter provides instructions on
how to control your squadmates.
Point your targeting reticle and press Q
or E to order a squadmate to a position.
Use Power
Point the targeting reticle at an enemy
and press Q or E to order a squadmate
to attack the target with their respective
default power. Any squadmate power
mapped to hotkeys 1 through 8 work the same way.
See Power Mapping for more information on changing how these powers are mapped.
Fire on Target
Point the targeting reticle at an enemy and press Z to order both squadmates to open fire on
the opponent.
Rally Squad
Press C to rally squadmates to your current position.