Promoting a Class
When a class reaches level 20, the player may choose to promote and send the class to their
single-player Galaxy at War.
Promoting a class to the Galaxy at War resets its level to 1 but also increases the player’s N7
leaderboard score by 10. Only your character’s level is reset. Weapons, mods, and consumables
are kept.
Reinforcement Packs
Reinforcement packs contain weapons, mods, kit trainers, and equipment.
Buy reinforcement packs to build your collection of gear.
Purchase reinforcement packs to find weapon-unlocks for all classes and characters. Purchase
additional packs to upgrade your weapon level to a maximum of 10.
Reinforced weapons are lighter, deal more damage, and have greater heat capacity.
Mod reinforcements can be used by any character that has a weapon of a matching mod-type. Mods
can be used to upgrade your mod-level to a maximum of 5. Find these mods in reinforcement packs.
Training Kits
Use training kits to grant a one-time experience boost that increases a character class’s master level.
Find training kits in reinforcement packs.
Before a mission starts, select an empty equipment slot and choose a single-use item from a
character’s inventory.
There are three types of equipment—ammo, armor, and weapon upgrades--that boost your character
for a single mission.
Every character carries these standard supplies into a mission:
Cobra Missile Launcher Take out hardened targets with this one-shot missile launcher.
Thermal Clip Pack Refill your thermal clips and grenade supply during a mission.
Medi-Gel Revive yourself when incapacitated in combat.
Ops Survival Pack Fully restore health and shields.
A character can bring a limited number of supplies on a mission, but capacity upgrades are available
(see the next section).
Capacity Upgrades
Increase the number of supply items your character can carry into a mission by collecting
capacity upgrades.
Spend respec items to reset a character’s talent points in the Powers screen.