Navigating Powers
Select an unlocked power and click EXPAND to start spending points in the power’s tree.
Your points are tallied on the top-right of the screen. Powers available for upgrade are in blue.
Grayed-out powers are locked until Shepard or the selected squadmate reaches a higher level.
Click AUTO LEVEL-UP to have powers automatically upgraded for you. Permanently set automatic
power upgrades by adjusting the Auto Level-Up setting in the Options/Gameplay menu off the
Mission Computer.
Purchasing and Evolving Powers
Upgrade a power by selecting the
leftmost icon and clicking UPGRADE
POWER. Everything to the right of the
leftmost icon (Rank 1) are upgrades
and can also be evolved with the points
tallied on the top-right of the screen.
The Rank 2 upgrade costs two points,
Rank 3 costs three, and so on. If you
have enough points, you can evolve
multiple upgrades at once.
Each upgrade must be evolved in order
from left to right, but at Rank 4, the
chain splits in two. From here, you can only choose one upgrade per rank, so review your options
carefully before locking in a choice.
Undo your changes at any point before leaving the Squad screen by clicking UNDO UPGRADE.
Returning to the Mission Computer by clicking BACK twice locks in your choices.
Reputation Indicator
The bar on the left-hand side of the
main Squad screen shows Shepard’s
reputation. When the reputation bar
reaches certain thresholds, new dialog
options are unlocked.
As you choose Renegade (red) or
Paragon (blue) actions in dialog,
the reputation bar grows. You need
not stick to one or the other to earn
reputation points.
A Paragon Shepard tends to be
compassionate and heroic, and a Renegade Shepard tends toward calculated and ruthless behavior.