System Management: IPMC Watchdog Timer Commands
ATCA-9305 User’s Manual 10009109-01
The IPMC implements a standardized ‘Watchdog Timer’ that can be used for a number of
system time-out functions by System Management Software (SMS) or by the monitor. Set-
ting a time-out value of zero allows the selected time-out action to occur immediately. This
provides a standardized means for devices on the IPMB to perform emergency recovery
Table 7-7: IPMC Watchdog Timer Commands
Watchdog Timer Actions
The following actions are available on expiration of the Watchdog Timer:
•System Reset
•System Power Off
The System Reset and System Power Off on time-out selections are mutually exclusive. The
watchdog timer is stopped whenever the system is powered down. A command must be
sent to start the timer after the system powers up.
Watchdog Timer Use Field and Expiration Flags
The watchdog timer provides a ‘timer use’ field that indicates the current use assigned to
the watchdog timer. The watchdog timer provides a corresponding set of ‘timer use expira-
tion’ flags that are used to track the type of time-out(s) that had occurred.
The time-out use expiration flags retain their state across system resets and power cycles, as
long as the IPMC remains powered. The flags are normally cleared solely by the Set Watch-
dog Timer command; with the exception of the “don’t log” flag, which is cleared after every
system hard reset or timer time-out.
The Timer Use fields indicate:
Monitor FRB-2 Time-out:
A Fault-resilient Booting, level 2 (FRB-2) time-out has occurred. This indicates that the last
system reset or power cycle was due to the system time-out during POST, presumed to be
caused by a failure or hang related to the bootstrap processor.
Command: See Page: Optional/Mandatory:
Reset Watchdog Timer 7-14 M
Set Watchdog Timer 7-14 M
Get Watchdog Timer 7-16 M