Management Complex: Management Processor Header and Serial
ATCA-9305 User’s Manual 10009109-01
Serial Debug Port
The console port for the management processor is accessible via the front panel mini-B USB
connector P7. The supported baud rates for these ports operate at 9600, 14400, 19200,
38400, 57600, and 115200 bps.
Table 4-8: Serial Debug Connector, P7
3 PQ_TDI Test Data Input is the serial input pin for instructions as well as test and
programming data.
4 DEBUG_TRST* Test Reset input signal resets the test access port.
5 no connect —
6 PQ_JTAG_PWR 3.3 volt power
7 PQ_TCK_R Test Clock Input is the clock input to the boundary scan test (BST)
8 no connect —
9 PQ_TMS Test Mode Select input pin provides the control signal to determine
the transitions of the TAP controller state machine.
10 no connect —
11 DEBUG_SRESET* Soft Reset input signal indicates that the MPC8548 must initiate a
System Reset interrupt.
12 ground —
13 DEBUG_HRESET* Hard Reset input signal indicates that a complete Power-on Reset must
be initiated by the MPC8548.
14 no connect —
15 PQ_CKSTP_OUT* Checkstop Out indicates the MPC8548 has detected a checkstop
condition and has ceased operation.
16 ground —
Pin: Signal:
1 no connect
4 no connect
5 signal ground
6 chassis ground
7 chassis ground
Pin: Signal: Description: (continued)