
System Management: Standard Commands
10009109-01 ATCA-9305 User’s Manual
dling, if it is necessary. If the Receive Message Queue is full, the ATCA-9305 IPMC rejects all
requests coming to LUN 10 with the C0h (Node Busy) completion code and discards all
responses coming to this LUN.
The Intelligent Peripheral Management Controller (IPMC) supports standard IPMI com-
mands to query board information and to control the behavior of the board. These com-
mands provide a means to:
identify the controller
reset the controller
return the controller’s self-test results
read and write the controller’s SROMs
read the temperature, voltage, and watchdog sensors
get specific information, such as thresholds, for each sensor
read and write the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) data
reserve and read the Sensor Data Record (SDR) repository
configure event broadcasts
bridge an IPMI request to the public IPMB and return the response
Ta bl e 7 - 5 lists the IPMI commands supported by the IPMC along with the hexadecimal values
for each command’s Network Function Code (netFn), Logical Unit Number (LUN), and Com-
mand Code (Cmd):
Table 7-5: IPMC IPMI Commands
Command: netFn: LUN: Cmd:
Set System Boot Options Chassis 01, 01 07
Get System Boot Options Chassis 01, 01 08
Set Event Receiver Sensor/Event 04, 05 00
Get Event Receiver Sensor/Event 04, 05 01
Platform Event (Event Message) Sensor/Event 04, 05 02
Get Device SDR Information Sensor/Event 04, 05 20
Get Device SDR Sensor/Event 04, 05 21
Reserve Device SDR Repository Sensor/Event 04, 05 22
Get Sensor Reading Factors Sensor/Event 04, 05 23
Set Sensor Hysteresis Sensor/Event 04, 05 24
Get Sensor Hysteresis Sensor/Event 04, 05 25