6325 Digital Way Indianapolis, IN 46278 317.616.6789 phone 317.616.6790 fax www.escient.com
01 04 Wrong Number of Command Arguments
01 05
Invalid Subcommand
01 06 Invalid Command
01 07 Not Available During Standby (deprecated)
01 08 Requested data not available
01 09 External control command not yet implemented (possible
future implementation)
01 10 Not Available at This Time
01 11 Invalid Security Password
Response Format: ESCX01xx, where xx = Command response
Response 07 has been deprecated due to the new auto-on function. Whenever a valid
command is received (with two exceptions), the system will automatically enter the “on” mode,
if it is in standby. A client may still handle response 07, but it is no longer sent from the host
for any reason.
Response 10 will be sent when a normally valid command is sent to the host, but it cannot be
processed due to the system’s mode. For example, a database play will not be processed
while the system is in setup or options mode, AutoBuilding a changer, etc. Note that a key
press command will never return this response, as even audio transport keys (play, stop) have
alternate functions in various modes.
Unsolicited status events can be sent to report the state changes of the Escient products.
There are two currently defined message levels: 5 - track changes, and 10 - all (including 1-
second playing time updates). Clients are registered at level 5 by default. Clients may change
their message level using the ESCX7002 command. See the control commands section for
instructions on how to resister and unregister for unsolicited status event levels.
Unsolicited Status Events
02 01 Power status changed. When the system has booted into an off state
you will receive a “RDY” status indicating it is ready to be powered on
and from then on an “OFF” or an “ON “ status.
02 Event Format: ESCX02010010003xxx,
Where xxx = a 3 character string
“RDY” = when power is first applied and it boots into
the off state (standby mode) – ready for power on.
“ON “ = if power on turned on (GUI appears)
“OFF” = if power is off (standby mode) (Video out off)
02 02 Play Mode changed (normal, random, etc)
02 Event Format: ESCX02020010002xx,
Where xx = the new play mode
01 = normal
02 = repeat track
03 = repeat title
04 = repeat group