Mac OS X Integration WD029-1-1
6325 Digital Way Indianapolis, IN 46278 317.616.6789 phone 317.616.6790 fax www.escient.com
You can now access your FireBall music from iTunes just as if it were located on your Mac.
Creating iTunes Playlists
Now that your FireBall music has been added to the iTunes Library, you can create iTunes
Playlists. Playlists can contain any combination of music available in the iTunes browser, no
matter where it actually resides. The only thing to remember is that FireBall’s CONTENT
directory must be mounted on your Mac in order for iTunes to locate and play FireBall music.
Please refer to the iTunes Help screens for more detailed information about creating Playlists
within iTunes.
Note: iTunes actually streams each MP3 from FireBall in real-time over your network. This may
limit the number of simultaneous client streams that your FireBall server can play at once.
Burn CDs from iTunes
Again, since your FireBall music has been added to the iTunes Library, you can burn CDs
directly from iTunes Playlists on your Mac. Playlists can contain any combination of music
available in the iTunes browser, no matter where it actually resides. The only thing to