
PC Integration WD044-1-1
6325 Digital Way Indianapolis, IN 46278 317.616.6789 phone 317.616.6790 fax www.escient.com
FireBall’s ID3 tag Requirements
FireBall supports version1.0, 1.1, 2.2, and 2.3 ID3 tags. Before you can properly import music
files into FireBall, you should first convert all of your MP3 and FLAC files to use ID3 version 2.2
or 2.3 tags. There are several programs available to do this including iTunes, however since
iTunes does not support FLAC files you cannot use it for editing ID3 tags embedded into FLAC
Apple iTunes is a PC program that can edit ID3 tags embedded into MP3 files. Follow these
steps to convert your MP3 files to use ID3v2.3 tags BEFORE importing them to your FireBall.
1. Select the Library in the iTunes Source list.
2. Type Ctrl+A to select all of the Songs in your Library.
3. Select Convert ID3 Tags… from the Advanced menu.