x Replication Server
• Curly braces and commas – choose one or more options. If you choose
more than one, separate your choices with commas.
{cash, check, credit}
Optional choices
• One item in square brackets – choose it or omit it.
• Square brackets and vertical bars – choose none or only one.
[beans | rice | sweet_potatoes]
• Square brackets and commas – choose none, one, or more options. If you
choose more than one, separate your choices with commas.
[extra_cheese, avocados, sour_cream]
Repeating elements An ellipsis (...) means that you may repeat the last unit
as many times as you need. For the
alter function replication definition command,
for example, you can list one or more parameters and their datatypes for either
add clause or the add searchable parameters clause:
alter function replication definition function_rep_def
{deliver as 'proc_name' |
add @parameter datatype[, @parameter
datatype]... |
add searchable parameters @parameter
[, @parameter]... |
send standby {all | replication definition}
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