
APPENDIX A SySAM Administration
Installation Guide for UNIX 49
./lmutil lmborrow SYBASE enddate [ time ]
where endate [time] is the desired borrow end date.
Note Run lmborrow from the same machine on which licenses are being
borrowed, and from the same user that starts Replication Server.
For example, the following command sets the end date at 1 p.m. on August
20th, 2005:
lmutil lmborrow SYBASE 20-aug-2005 13:00
The maximum borrow time is 30 days. Your license administrator can
reduce the maximum borrow time following the instructions in “Returning
a borrowed license early” on page 49.
4 Start Replication Server. The checked out license is borrowed.
5 Disconnect from the network.
Displaying status on a borrowed license
1Go to $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin.
./lmutil lmborrow -status
Returning a borrowed license early
1 Connect to the network.
2 Shut down Replication Server.
3Go to $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin.
4 Return each borrowed license by entering:
./lmutil lmborrow -return [-c licfile]
[-d display_name] feature
For example, the following command returns the REP_SERVER license:
./lmutil lmborrow -return -c
$SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses -d myhost REP_SERVER
Renewing a borrowed license
1 Connect to the network.
2 Shut down Replication Server.