
Installation Guide for UNIX v
About This Book
This book is for System Administrators and other qualified installers who
are familiar with their system’s environment, networks, disk resources,
and media devices.
How to use this book
Before you install Replication Server®, read Chapter 1, “Preparing to
Install and Configure Replication Server” in the Replication Server
Configuration Guide for UNIX to help you plan your installation.
However, the step is unnecessary if you plan to install a sample
Replication Server.
This guide contains these chapters:
Chapter 1, “Before You Begin,” describes pre-installation
information and tasks.
Chapter 2, “Installing Replication Server,” describes how to install
Replication Server.
Chapter 3, “Post-Installation Tasks,” provides information about the
tasks you must perform after installation.
Appendix A, “SySAM Administration,” provides additional
information about licensing concepts that you need to know before
you install additional copies of Replication Server, set up the license
manager in a network environment, or set up redundant servers for
high availability and failover.
Related documents
The Sybase® Replication Server documentation set consists of:
The release bulletin for your platform – contains last-minute
information that was too late to be included in the books.
A more recent version of the release bulletin may be available on the
World Wide Web. To check for critical product or document
information that was added after the release of the product CD, use
the Sybase® Technical Library.
Installation Guide for your platform (this book) – describes
installation and upgrade procedures for all Replication Server and
related products.