MPX 423 A • SIS Programming and Control
Programming and Control
Remote Control Port (RS-232)
The MPX 423 A’s RS-232 port connects to a host or controller that generates the
proper command codes and recognizes the switcher’s responses.
The cable used to connect the RS-232 port to a computer or control system
may need to be modified by removing pins or cutting wires. If unneeded
pins are connected, the switcher may hinder communication.
See chapter 2,
“Installation”, for more information on wiring the connectors.
The RS-232 connector is a 9-pin D female (see illustration below) with the following
pin designations:
Pin RS-232 Description
1 — not used
2 Tx Transmit data
3 Rx Receive data
4 — not used
Gnd Signal ground
6 — not used
7 — not used
8 — not used
9 — not used
The protocol is 9600 baud, 8-bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control. The
MPX 423 A is also compatible with the following baud rates: 19200, 38400, & 115200.
Commands and responses for programming the MPX 423 A from a host system
connected to the RS-232 port are listed on the following pages.
Host-to-MPX 423 A communications
The MPX 423 A matrix switcher accepts SIS commands through the RS-232 port or
via Telnet through the LAN port. SIS commands consist of one or more characters
per field. No special characters are required to begin or end a command sequence.
When the unit determines that a command is valid, it executes the command and
sends a response to the host device. All responses from the unit to the host end
with a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF =
), which signals the end of the
response character string. A string is one or more characters.
MPX 423 A-initiated messages
If you are communicating with the MPX 423 A via RS-232 or via a verbose Telnet
connection, when a local event such as a front panel selection or adjustment takes
place, the unit responds by sending a message to the host. No response is required
from the host. The unit-initiated messages are listed here (underlined).
(c) Copyright 2007, Extron Electronics, MPX 423 A, Vx.xx , 60-683-01
Vx.xx is the firmware version number.
The unit sends the boot and copyright messages under the following circumstances:
• If the
unit is off and an RS-232 connection is already set up (the PC is cabled to
the unit and a serial communication program such as HyperTerminal is open),
the connected unit sends these messages via RS-232 when it is first powered on.
5 1
(MPX 423 A)
(Host Controller)