
SRS-2100 Installation ( Appendix B
Page B-8
entering the SPID)
This section explains how to use
the KEY-ATTR feature in menu
mode to load or modify network
data. You must load network data
with KEY-ATTR if the set is
connected to a switch that does
not support the terminal
downloading function.
If the switch has downloaded
network data automatically, you
can use these procedures to
modify the set configuration to
conform to your personal
preferences. In these procedures,
you select a button on your SRS-
2100 and assign the button a
Directory Number, Call
Appearance Number, Intercom or
Group Intercom Number, or a
Feature Number recognized by
the network.
When you press the button for a
Directory Number or Call
Appearance, the phone sends the
necessary signals to initiate or
answer a call. When you press
the button for a feature, the
phone sends the feature’s
number, which causes the
network to activate or deactivate
the feature.
Configuration Types: EKTS
and CACH
National ISDN (NISDN) supports
two configurations on multiple
line sets. The configurations are
Electronic Key Telephone
Systems (EKTS or ACO) and Call
Appearance Call Handling
If SPM has downloaded network
data, you need to know which
configuration is used so that you
can modify the configuration if
you wish. Additionally, you must
know which configuration is used
if you are entering network data
EKTS and ACO use Directory
Numbers for telephone lines and
feature numbers for features. You
enter these numbers with options
2 and 3 of KEY-ATTR.
CACH uses Call Appearances for
telephone numbers and feature
numbers for features. You enter
these numbers with options 1 and
2 of KEY-ATTR.