Chapter 2 ( SRS-2100 Voice Features
Page 2-9
If you are already using the
headset and talking on
another call
1. Handle the existing call in one of
the following ways:
a. End the call by pressing
SPEAKER. Then press
SPEAKER again to get a dial
b. Retain the call by pressing an
idle Call Appearance button,
which gives you a dial tone.
(The call is automatically put
on hold.)
2. Dial the desired number by
pressing the keys on the
numeric keypad.
3. If your call is not answered,
hang up by pressing SPEAKER.
4. If your call is answered,
converse with the called party.
5. When the conversation is over,
hang up by pressing SPEAKER.
Note the displayed call
duration; it vanishes after about
three seconds.
You may then pick up your
original call, if it was held, by
pressing SPEAKER and, if
necessary, the call's CA button.
Note: Onhook dialing. In place
of steps 1 and 2, you can dial
the number first and then press
SPEAKER. The phone
automatically dials the number.
The number you enter remains
available for dialing for about
three minutes.
You can also use a one-touch
button after handling the
existing call. This automatically
selects an idle CA and dials the
number. Skip step 2.
(See also "Handsfree, Handset,
and Headset Modes", in Chapter
3, "Local Features".)
Receiving Headset Calls
An incoming call makes the Call
Appearance's LED flash green.
If you are not talking on
another call
Place the headset on your head in
a position comfortable for hearing
and talking. If necessary, unplug
the handset from the jack on the
phone's left side. Plug the
headset into the same jack. Also
check that headset mode is
activated. (See Chapter 3 for