( SRS-2100 Error Messages Appendix E
Page E-4
Table E-2
Connection Status Messages DPS (Packet Switched)
Display format Description
DATA CLR DTE......................DTE disconnected
DATA CLR OCC......................Number busy
DATA CLR DER......................Out of order
DATA CLR RPE.......................Remote procedure error
DATA CLR RNA .....................Reverse charging not accepted
DATA CLR NA........................Incompatible destination
DATA CLR INV.......................Invalid facility request
DATA CLR ERR.......................Local procedure error
DATA CLR NC.........................Network congestion
DATA CLR NP.........................Number error
Each command reports its successful or unsuccessful execution. Errors
usually result in a display of the word ERROR or ERR INC.
This error reporting also applies to the offline commands for setting
terminal adapter parameter defaults. These defaults can be stored in a set
of profiles, and you can choose which profile to apply to a port when
making your data call.
The offline commands for these purposes are described in the Data
User's Guide, along with each command's response and related messages.