The bottom alarm alerts you when the bot-
tom echo (displayed in red or reddish brown)
is within the alarm range set.
z Navigation alarms
The speed alarm* alerts you when your
boat’s speed is within (inside alarm) or under/
over (outside alarm) the preset speed.
There are two types of arrival alarms*: [In-
side] and [Outside]. The [Inside] alarm alerts
you when you are within the specified range
from a waypoint. The [Outside] alarm alerts
when your boat travels a specific distance
from the location at the activation of the alarm.
* Requires navigator or applicable sensor.
How to activate a fish alarm
Multiple fish alarms (ALARM1 - ALARM5, de-
fault names) can be activated. In this case,
the audio and visual alarms are released
when all alarm conditions are met. For exam-
ple, the Bottom Type alarm is set for [Rock]
and the Bottom alarm is set for 10-20 feet.
Then, if the system judges the bottom to be
rock and the depth to the bottom is 10-20 feet,
the audio and visual alarms are released. The
alarms are not released if only one condition
is met.
1. Open the menu, select [Alarm] and press
the ENTER key.
2. Select an alarm among [ALARM1] -
[ALARM5] (default alarm names) and
press the ENTER key.
3. Select [Setting] and press the ENTER
key. If you want to change the name of an
alarm, go to step 4. Otherwise go to step
4. To change the name of the
alarm, select [Name] and
press the ENTER key.
5. Enter the name of the
alarm. (Max. of eight characters)
1) Use S or T to select a character. Use
S to select a character in numerical
order followed by alphabet order. Use
T to select a character in reverse or-
der of that with S.
2) Press X to move the cursor to the
next place.
3) Repeat steps 1) and 2) to complete
the name.
4) Press the ENTER key to finish.
6. Select [Sound] and press the ENTER
7. Select desired alarm sound and press the
ENTER key.
8. Select [Fish Type], [Temperature], [Bot-
tom Type] or [Bottom] as applicable and
press the ENTER key.
9. Do one of the following according to the
item selected at step 8.
Fish Type
1) Select [ACCU-FISH], [Fish School],
[Bottom Fish(Only BL)] or [Bottom]
and press the ENTER key.
* Operable when corresponding
alarm is activated.