Attaching the sensor to the bracket
1. If the retaining cover near the top of the
bracket is closed, open it by depressing
the latch and rotating the cover down-
Attaching the sensor to the bracket
2. Insert the sensor's pivot arms into the
slots near the top of the bracket.
3. Maintain pressure until the pivot arms
click into place.
4. Rotate the sensor downward until the bot-
tom snaps into the bracket.
5. Close the retaining cover to prevent the
accidental release of the sensor when the
boat is underway.
Cable routing
Route the sensor cable over the transom,
through a drain hole, or thorough a new hole
drilled in the transom above the waterline.
Never cut the cable or remote the connector;
this will void the warranty. Always wear safety
goggles and a dust mask.
1. If a hole must be drilled, choose a location
well above the waterline. Check for ob-
structions such as trim tabs, pumps, or
wiring inside the hull. Mark the location
with a pencil. Drill a hole through the tran-
som using a 19 mm or 3/4" bit (to accom-
modate the connector).
2. Route the cable over or through the tran-
3. On the outside of the hull secure the cable
against the transom using the cable
clamps. Position a cable clamp 50 mm
(2") above the bracket and mark the
mounting hole with a pencil.
4. Position the second cable clamp halfway
between the first clamp and the cable
hole. Mark this mounting hole.
5. If a hole has been drilled in the transom,
open the appropriate slot in the transom
cable cover. Position the cover over the
cable where it enters the hull. Mark the
two mounting holes.
6. At each of the marked locations, use a 3
mm or 1/8" bit to drill a hole 10 mm (3/8")
deep. The prevent drilling too deeply,
wrap masking tape around the bit 10 mm
(3/8") from the point.
7. Apply marine sealant to the threads of the
#6 x 1/2" self-tapping screw to prevent
water from seeping into the transom. If
you have drilled a hole through the tran-
som, apply marine sealant to the space
around the cable where it passes through
the transom.
8. Position the two cable clamps and fasten
them in place. If used, push the cable cov-
er over the cable and screw it in place.
9. Route the cable to the instrument being
careful not to tear the cable jacket when
passing it though the bulkhead(s) and
other parts of the boat. To reduce electri-
cal interference, separate the sensor ca-
ble from other electrical wiring and "noise"
sources. Coil any excess cable and se-
cure it in place with zip-ties to prevent
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
arm (2)
Slot (2)