A Word to FCV-627/587 Owners
Congratulations on your choice of the FU-
RUNO FCV-627/587 Fish Finder. We are
confident you will see why the FURUNO
name has become synonymous with quality
and reliability.
Since 1948, FURUNO Electric Company has
enjoyed an enviable reputation for innovative
and dependable marine electronics equip-
ment. This dedication to excellence is fur-
thered by our extensive global network of
agents and dealers.
This equipment is designed and constructed
to meet the rigorous demands of the marine
environment. However, no machine can per-
form its intended function unless operated
and maintained properly. Please carefully
read and follow the recommended proce-
dures for operation and maintenance.
We would appreciate hearing from you, the
end user, about whether we are achieving our
Thank you for considering and purchasing
FURUNO equipment.
The FURUNO FCV-627 and FCV-587 are
dual frequency (50 kHz and 200 kHz) Fish
Finders. Comprised of a display unit and a
transducer, The FCV-587 and FCV-627 show
underwater conditions on a color LCD, 8.4
inch (FCV-587) or 5.7-inch (FCV-627).
The main features of the FCV-627/587 are
• Bright color LCD gives excellent readability
even in broad daylight.
• Waterproof construction permits installa-
tion on open bridge.
• Automatic mode automatically adjusts the
set to provide the best possible display,
from shallow to deep depths.
feature provides estimate of
fish length with fish size dependent fish
• Bottom discrimination display provides esti-
mate of bottom composition. (Cannot be
used when the transducer is installed with
the inside hull installation method.)
• White line feature helps distinguish bottom
fish from the bottom echo.
• Gain adjusts sensitivity over the entire
• Various alarms alert you to presence of
fish, dangerous situations, etc.
• Destination waypoint feature provides
range, bearing, and time-to-go to destina-
tion waypoint (up to 20 waypoints).*
• Echo position can be output to a naviga-
tional plotter.*
• “Tankenmaru” system* outputs video signal
to other Tankenmaru-equipped partner
ship, etc., via a radio transmitter. (Available
in the future.)
* Requires connection of appropriate sensor,
navigation device.
LCD Panel
The LCD panel used in this equipment is a
TFT LCD. The panel is constructed using the
latest LCD techniques, and displays 99.99%
of its pixels. The remaining 0.01% of the pix-
els may drop out or blink, however this is not
an indication of malfunction; it is an inherent
property of the LCD.