GPS 400 Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-60 Rev. H
NOTE: When the GPS 400 displays a list of
information that is too long for the display
screen, a scroll bar appears along the right-hand
side of the display (Figure 1-3). The scroll bar
graphically indicates the number of additional
items available within the selected category. To
scroll through the list, press the small right knob
to activate the cursor, then turn the large right
Figure 1-3 Scroll Bar
Bottom Row Keys
(9) NRST Key – Displays the Nearest Airports Page.
Then, turning the small right knob steps through the
NRST pages.
(10) OBS Key – Selects OBS mode, which retains the
current ‘active to’ waypoint as the navigation reference
even after passing the waypoint (i.e., prevents sequencing
to the next waypoint). Pressing the OBS Key again returns
the unit to normal operation, with automatic sequencing
of waypoints. When OBS mode is selected, the pilot may
set the desired course to/from a waypoint using the ‘Select
OBS Course’ pop-up window, or an external OBS selector
on the HSI or CDI.
(11) MSG Key – Used to view system messages and to
alert the pilot to important warnings and requirements.
See Section 12.1 for more information on messages.
(12) FPL Key – Allows the pilot to create, edit, activate,
and invert flight plans, as well as access approaches,
departures, and arrivals. A closest point to ight plan
feature is also made available by pressing the FPL Key.
See Section 4 for more information on flight plans.
(13) PROC Key – Allows the pilot to select and remove
approaches, departures, and arrivals from the flight plan.
When using a ight plan, available procedures for the
departure and/or arrival airport are offered automatically.
Otherwise, the pilot may select the desired airport, then
the desired procedure.