With 2D coverage, you will
need to enter your approxi-
mate altitude. Without an
approximate altitude, your
position error can be substan-
The Position Page shows you
where you are, what direction
you’re heading and how fast
you’re going.
Set 2D Altitude— allows you to designate your approximate altitude, when the
GPS III is acquiring satellites or navigating in 2D mode. By default, 2D naviga-
tion will attempt to use the last known altitude. If the altitude shown is off by
several hundred feet (or more), manually entering your approximate altitude will
enable the receiver to more accurately determine a position fix.
To enter an altitude:
1. Highlight ‘Set 2D Altitude’ and press ENTER.
2. Enter your approximate altitude using the rocker keypad, and press ENTER.
Position Page
The second page in the GPS III’s main page sequence is the Position Page. This
page shows you where you are, what direction you’re heading, and how fast you’re
going, and it’s most useful when you are traveling without an active destination way-
point. The graphic heading display at the top of the page indicates the direction
you’re heading, or track, only while you’re moving.
Directly below this display are the speed, average speed, trip timer, trip odome-
ter and sunrise/sunset fields (default). The sunrise/sunset times indicated are for your
present position. These times, and the current time display in the lower-right corner,
can be displayed in local or UTC (universal) time. The lower left-hand corner of the
page shows your current latitude and longitude in degrees and minutes (default). The
GPS III uses this basic information to mark exact positions as waypoints, which help
guide you from one place to another. Average speed, sunrise and sunset times (at
your present position) also appear on the Position Page (as default selections). Units
of measure and the position readout are selectable from the Main Menu, as outlined
on page 63. ‘Trip Computer’ functions—such as average speed, max speed, trip
odometer and trip timer—can each be reset from the Main Menu, as described on
page 64.
Satellite Status Page Options
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