
Adindan Adindan- Ethiopia, Mali, Senegal, Sudan
Afgooye Afgooye- Somalia
AIN EL ABD ‘70 AIN EL ANBD 1970- Bahrain Island, Saudi
Anna 1 Ast ‘65 Anna 1 Astro ‘65- Cocos Isl.
ARC 1950 ARC 1950- Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi,
Swaziland, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe
ARC 1960 ARC 1960- Kenya, Tanzania
Ascnsn Isld ‘58 Ascension Island ‘58- Ascension Island
Astro B4 Sorol Astro B4 Sorol Atoll- Tern Island
Astro Bcn “E” Astro Beacon “E”- Iwo Jima
Astro Dos 71/4 Astro Dos 71/4- St. Helena
Astr Stn ‘52 Astronomic Stn ‘52- Marcus Island
Astrln Geod ‘66 Australian Geod ‘66- Australia, Tasmania Island
Astrln Geod ‘84 Australian Geod ‘84- Australia, Tasmania Island
Bellevue (IGN) Efate and Erromango Islands
Bermuda 1957 Bermuda 1957- Bermuda Islands
Bogata Observ Bogata Obsrvatry- Colombia
Campo Inchspe Campo Inchauspe- Argentina
Canton Ast ‘66 Canton Astro 1966- Phoenix Islands
Cape Cape- South Africa
Cape Canavrl Cape Canaveral- Florida, Bahama Islands
Carthage Carthage- Tunisia
CH-1903 CH 1903- Switzerland
Chatham 1971 Chatham 1971- Chatham Island (New Zealand)
Chua Astro Chua Astro- Paraguay
Corrego Alegr Corrego Algre-Brazil
Djakarta Djakarta (Batavia)- Sumatra Island (Indonesia)
Dos 1968 Dos 1968- Gizo Island
(New Georgia Islands)
Easter Isld 67 Easter Island 1967
European 1950 European 1950- Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece,
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
European 1979 European 1979- Austria, Finland, Netherlands,
Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
Finland Hayfrd Finland Hayford- Finland
Gandajika Base Gandajika Base- Republic of Maldives
Geod Datm ‘49 Geodetic Datum ‘49- New Zealand
Guam 1963 Guam 1963- Guam Island
Gux 1 Astro Gux 1 Astro- Guadalcanal Island
Hjorsey 1955 Hjorsey 1955- Iceland
The following are the map datums available for the GPS III. Menu Page abbre-
viations are listed first, followed by the corresponding map datum name and area.
The default map datum for the GPS III is WGS 84.
Map Datums
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